Recalculation of contracts for ALD Automotive

3. 2. 2022
Case studies

ALD Automotive is a leading global provider of operational leasing for passenger and commercial vehicles and is part of the strong Sociรฉtรฉ Gรฉnรฉrale Financial Group. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 2002 and is one of the three largest companies on the market. ALD Automotive specialises in leasing products for corporate customers, regardless of the number of vehicles in their fleet. It offers various vehicle financing options, financial services and fleet management. ALD Automotive Czech Republic, together with ALD Automotive Slovakia, looks after more than 31,000 cars and the size of the fleet goes hand in hand with the administrative burden placed on employees when performing various adjustments to contracts. The most common is the recalculation of contractual parameters. One possible solution was to robotise the process of adjusting the parameters of existing contracts and recalculating new contracts.

What problems did we address?

ALD Automotive offers the long-term lease of vehicles, including optional services associated with their operation. Depending on your requirements, you can choose the term of the contract, permitted mileage and additional services. The most commonly chosen options include: full servicing of the vehicle during the term of the contract, tyre service including the purchase and storage of tyres, or assistance services with the provision of a courtesy car. After concluding the contract, you can change the parameters of the contract and request a recalculation of the contract at any time.

Due to the time-consuming nature of the recalculation process, ALD Automotive approached us with a request to robotise this process.

In the past, ALD Automotive employees changed all parameters and performed individual recalculations manually in each case, then they created a draft of the new contract to send to the client. The whole process was time-consuming, especially in the case of large companies with hundreds of vehicles with contracts that needed to be recalculated manually.

Which solution did we choose?

After familiarising ourselves with all variations of the parameters for recalculating new contracts, we proposed robotisation to automate the entire process, from retrieving the parameters of the old contract, through recalculation, to sending the draft amendment of the contract to the client and implementing it after the client has confirmed the draft in writing.

We deployed UltimateRPA robots at key stages of the process. The robot finds the contract in the ServiceDesk tool itself, reads the input data and runs a check. The robot then creates a new proposal for the recalculation of the contract.

It inserts all the necessary data it read in the previous step into the new draft and performs a recalculation using the supplied algorithms. Using the input data, it can update, for example, the lease period and/or the expected mileage. The robot changes the parameters and performs a recalculation. The robot then runs a check and if everything is in order, the robot sends the proposal for recalculation to a customer service employee to check. If the robot discovers an error during the check, it sends the whole case to an ALD employee for manual checking, who will adjust the recalculation manually, if necessary. After a check and any manual adjustments that may be necessary, the ALD employee instructs the robot to send the draft amendment to the lessee.

Thanks to robotisation, we saved companies that have dozens or even hundreds of cars in their fleet lots of time on mass calculations.

As ALD Automotive uses our SyDesk monitoring tool, ALD employees have an overview of the current status of the recalculation process. During processing, data on the success of batch processing, batch processing time and number of processed records is sent to the SyDesk system. The client can see the progress of the request in the myALD Portal application.

How did the project go?

Thanks to robotisation, the client can now enter a request for recalculation in the MyALD Portal application, which is directly connected to the ServiceDesk tool (or the client agrees on this with the customer service line operator), or send an e-mail connected to the ServiceDesk tool. The robot prepares the recalculation, prepares a draft of the new contract and sends it to the client. Robotisation has saved ALD Automotive a great deal of time, reduced errors and taken over the performance of routine time-consuming administrative activities.

Thanks to robotisation, the process of recalculating contracts has been automated. 

Who was involved in the project?

The StringData Automation Team worked on the project in close cooperation with representatives of the ALD Automotive customer service and IT department.

A total of three months elapsed between the commencement of implementation and the first automatically performed recalculation.

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