Robotisation of administrative operations relating to Efficiency Reports at Teleflex

3. 2. 2022
Case studies
13 days
Implementation took
0 %
error rates during processing

TELEFLEX is a multinational supplier of medical technologies to the largest Czech hospitals. It specialises in innovations that benefit patients and healthcare providers. The companyโ€™s portfolio is very diverse and includes solutions for vascular and interventional access, surgery, anaesthesia, cardiology, urology, emergency medicine and respiratory care. A large volume of clients goes hand in hand with an increased administrative burden on employees. One possible solution is robotisation - the implementation of software robots to automate routine and manual processes at the company.

What problems did we address?

Arrow International CR, a.s. (hereinafter Arrow), a member of the TELEFLEX group, identified and proposed a suitable process for robotisation. This primarily involved work with MS Excel, Outlook and the SAP system. Specifically, the process of Efficiency Reports for two independent plants, which the robot should run up to 3 times a day on weekdays at a predefined time. Routine activities currently put a strain on skilled workers. Arrowโ€™s goal was to implement robotisation to free up staff capacity to focus on activities with a higher added value and at the same time resolve the issue of substitutability. Previously, employees performed the whole process manually and were required to be present in the early hours of the morning with minimal substitution.

Which solution did we choose?

After familiarising itself with the whole process, the StringData Automation Team proposed the robotisation of administrative operations relating to Efficiency Reports in the form of software robotisation. In the same way as a human, the robot downloads the report from the SAP system, updates all tables and saves the report to a dedicated repository. The robot performs all the steps necessary to generate an Efficiency Report, a copy of which is then attached to a notification email sent to the responsible person.

We deployed the UltimateRPA robot to cover all administrative operations relating to the generation of Efficiency Reports. The robot autonomously logs into the SAP system, retrieves the updated data and stores it in a shared directory. It then generates an Efficiency Report and emails it to a designated group of people. 

The duration of the robotic process is dependent on the responses of the application portfolio being served. This means that it is equal to the sum of all responses. The robot waits in cases where a human must wait too. Once the screen is loaded, it writes data with zero delay.

How did the project go?

Thanks to robotisation, routine activities in the Controlling Department were largely eliminated. Other major positive aspects are the creation of reports 7 days a week, the resolution of employee substitutability and increasing their comfort.

Robotisation meant time savings for qualified employees at Arrow International CR, increased the level of service provided to internal customers and took over routine, time-consuming administrative activities.

Thanks to robotisation, all administrative operations associated with the generation of Efficiency Reports are now automated. The whole project was a success and Arrow successfully entered the world of RPA robotisation with StringData.

Who was involved in the project?

The StringData Automation Team worked on the project in close cooperation with representatives of the Arrow Controlling and IT Department.

Duration of the project

The first phase of the project involved data collection, which took approximately 3 days. The subsequent solution, including all processes relating to preparation, testing and implementation, took a total of 13 working days.

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